The Exploring Physics Curriculum was a product of the A TIME for Physics First professional development project. An inquiry and modeling-based curriculum for high school conceptual physics (Physics First) was developed and tested by the instructors and attending teachers during the summer academies and in 9th grade classrooms. Exploring Physics is based on an inquiry and modeling pedagogy. Students learn physics concept through hands-on labs, followed by practices and reading pages. Extensive teacher resources are included. Further information is available at the Exploring Physics website.
Exploring Physics includes the following eight units.:
Unit 1. Introduction to Electricity
Unit 2. Electrical Circuits
Unit 3. Uniform Motion
Unit 4. Accelerated Motion
Unit 5. Forces and Newton’s Laws
Unit 6. Application of Newton’s Laws
Unit 7. Linear Momentum
Unit 8. Energy
Examples of tutorial videos included in the Exploring Physics app
Visit the Exploring Physics YouTube channel to sample more videos.
Motion Diagrams
Force Diagrams
Energy Bar Graphs